February 16, 2023
Allow us to provide clarity on the topic of copyright in the creative industry. This area is often complex and clients frequently have questions and concerns. Copyright refers to the legal right that a creator has over their original work. In terms of photography or videography, the photographer or videographer holds the copyright as the creator of the work. Think of it in terms of a painter and their artwork. The painter holds the copyright as they created the piece, regardless of who owns it. In the same manner, the photographer or videographer holds the copyright as the creator of the photo or video. As a client, you are granted specific rights by the creator through agreement. These rights typically include exclusive use of the work. This would be equivalent to owning the painting and having the ability to display it in your home, office, or business. In some cases, the creator may also use the work for their marketing purposes, which is often reflected in the contract. However, we understand the desire for confidentiality and are happy to accommodate if the client requests that the work not be shared. This complex system is a common practice in the creative field, providing protection for both the artist and the client. The end result is a beautiful work of art that is enjoyed by all. If you have any questions regarding the distinction between copyright and usage rights, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Understanding the intricacies of these rights is a crucial aspect of our services, and we are committed to ensuring that all of our clients are informed and confident in their rights. Let's work together to navigate this complex topic and ensure a clear understanding for all involved.