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Pikes Peak Transformation Project

The Unfound Door • Dec 03, 2021

Pikes Peak is one of the most visited mountains in the world, and the summit is a National Historic Landmark that has been one of Colorado’s top tourist attractions for decades! During it’s construction, the Summit Complex was the highest ongoing construction project in North America (over 14k feet!), and we had the absolute pleasure of getting to capture it from start to finish!

Back in 2019, we spent a day with the team of GE Johnson documenting a day in a life of the workers who planned, prepared and built this beautiful space. This challenging project created a facility that takes advantage of the inspiring views and natural beauty of Pikes Peak, and that offers a Visitor Center, a Utilities facility and a High-Altitude Research Laboratory. It is an amazing feat for the men and women at GE Johnson to work in those difficult conditions every day at the summit of a high peak. It was not only challenging to get their equipment and resources to the location, it was also hard on their bodies. They were diligent at doing "Stretch & Flex" (morning stretching routine) to prepare their bodies for the hard day of work at that altitude. And the cold!

This July and October we returned to the peak to shoot the continued progress for Concepts in Millwork, EVAC North America, Lyons Sandstone, MAPEI, and GE Johnson. We showed up before sunrise to capture the stunning views, and were able to photograph all major spaces, including the exterior, exterior overlook, main stunning lobby, cafe, museum, and more. We also documented important details like the Pikes Peak Marker!

Many of these companies submitted the images for project awards, and the work they put into this project is certainly worthy of praise.

This project was a labor of love and intention by the City of Colorado Springs, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Colorado Springs Utilities, GE Johnson, and many others, and getting to see it come full circle is truly incredible. We are proud to have photographed this project throughout the last few years with such amazing clients.

Check out the photos below! To view the full image, simply click the photo.

If you would like to purchase these images for download, please send us an email at

27 Mar, 2023
Why You Should Invest in Professional Photography for you Company.
16 Feb, 2023
Allow us to provide clarity on the topic of copyright in the creative industry. This area is often complex and clients frequently have questions and concerns. Copyright refers to the legal right that a creator has over their original work. In terms of photography or videography, the photographer or videographer holds the copyright as the creator of the work. Think of it in terms of a painter and their artwork. The painter holds the copyright as they created the piece, regardless of who owns it. In the same manner, the photographer or videographer holds the copyright as the creator of the photo or video. As a client, you are granted specific rights by the creator through agreement. These rights typically include exclusive use of the work. This would be equivalent to owning the painting and having the ability to display it in your home, office, or business. In some cases, the creator may also use the work for their marketing purposes, which is often reflected in the contract. However, we understand the desire for confidentiality and are happy to accommodate if the client requests that the work not be shared. This complex system is a common practice in the creative field, providing protection for both the artist and the client. The end result is a beautiful work of art that is enjoyed by all. If you have any questions regarding the distinction between copyright and usage rights, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Understanding the intricacies of these rights is a crucial aspect of our services, and we are committed to ensuring that all of our clients are informed and confident in their rights. Let's work together to navigate this complex topic and ensure a clear understanding for all involved.
By The Unfound Door 26 Jan, 2023
Before scheduling your photography session, we would like to provide some recommendations and considerations to help you get the most out of your headshots. Here are our top three tips... 1. Consider the style and look you want to achieve with your headshots. Do you want to convey a corporate and professional image, or would you prefer to show the individual personalities of your team? This will help guide the type of backgrounds, poses, and other details that will be included in your headshots. 2. Consider the backgrounds you'd like to utilize for your session. We offer two options: a solid color backdrop or an environmental background. The solid color backdrop provides a clean and consistent look, while the environmental background can add visual interest and a sense of place. You can also choose to have both options for added flexibility! 3. Consider how you want your team's photos to look together. Do you want each person's headshot to be cropped and framed in the same way, or do you prefer a more varied and unique look? We can work with you to find the right balance of consistency. Check out some recent examples below, and email us at to inquire about booking a shoot for yoruself or your team!
By The Unfound Door 17 Jan, 2023
There is no greater storytelling tool for your business than video! We recently had the pleasure of creating a series of videos for Fransen Pittman Construction to tell the story of one of their team members, Saeed Saeed. His history and journey to Fransen Pittman is inspirational, and it was an honor to get to showcase his story, and how much the construction industry and Fransen Pittman mean to him. Saeed’s personal experience serves as the perfect example of Fransen Pittman Construction’s culture, and their mission to help everyone succeed. This video is a short take on the culture at Fransen Pittman, but you can head to our blog to view the longer version as well as some additional footage the team plans to use for their website, trade booths and more. Check out all the videos in the playlist, and some photos from our time together below!
By The Unfound Door 21 Nov, 2022
This was another fun project f or Iron Woman Construction & Environmental Services ! Iron Woman Construction works hard to create opportunities for their current, contract, and new employees to grow within the company. They provide a multitude of unique benefits that help not only themselves but their family's health and happiness. This video was created to help potential hires hear what current team members believe are the most impactful perks of working with this company. We know how challenging it can be to find new team members that match your company's culture and expertise, but we are here to help! Check out the full video below!
By The Unfound Door 18 Nov, 2022
Congratulations to all of this year’s AGC Colorado ACE Award winners! This event was the biggest night of the year for the construction industry here in Colorado and was an absolutely spectacular showcase and celebration of the variety of innovative projects completed this year. It was such a privilege to be a part of this incredible event and to be able to capture and produce videos of each category to honor the nominees and winners. Check out the gallery and videos below! If you’d like to download or share any photos or videos from this event, please email us at
By The Unfound Door 10 Nov, 2022
It was an absolute honor to work with NACA and the wonderful surrounding community! NACA Inspired Schools Network (NISN) is a New Mexico-based organization that supports leaders throughout the nation to create excellent schools, as well as educational and cultural opportunities for the indigenous communities that they serve. NISN recently received a grant from the Department of Education to create easily accessible educational content for school and community leaders that are looking to build a charter school, and we had the pleasure of creating a series of videos to help with the process of seeking funding opportunities, setting up facilities, and weaving a rigorous academic curriculum with cultural identity. Check out the full five-video series below!
By The Unfound Door 17 Oct, 2022
One of the many things we love about the Swinerton team is that they prioritize inclusion, and celebrate and support all of their people! Swinerton provides various Business Resource Groups as a part of their growing DEO initiatives to be inclusive and supportive to their teams across the nation. These motion graphic videos were created to start conversations during Construction Inclusion Week. We had a wonderful time animating this video! If you have any questions or would like to inquire about our animation services, please email us at
By The Unfound Door 15 Sep, 2022
The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park is a staple for travelers everywhere. Whether it be because you are enjoying the Colorado landscapes and what comes with the natural splendor, or you love The Shining by Steven King, which was inspired by this iconic location. Recently, Saunders Heath and MOA Architecture renovated the Caretaker's Cottage with remnants of The Stanley's past, as well as transformed spaces into those from The Shining (does anyone remember the scene in the Green Bathroom?). We were so excited about being part of this project. This was such a wonderful project, and we are in love with the photos we captured alongside Kyla Chambers! 
By The Unfound Door 12 Sep, 2022
Engineering Economics Inc. (EEI) have a unique software "built by engineers to prove building performance, and continues to be flexible adapting to needs of the daily operation of your facility" called BalanceCx. They wanted to show its value by creating a promo video using animations, virtual interview with a team leader, recordings of BalanceCx, stock footage, and title graphics. We think it turned out pretty great! Even if your company is limited on creative assets (i.e. photography, videography, graphics, etc.), we can still create magic with animations, and will work with you to find a great option for your vision and budget. Check out the video we did for Engineering Economics Inc. below! Email us at for more information about animations for your business!
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